Ukraine to receive six F-16 fighter jets during 2024
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Ukraine to receive six F-16 fighter jets during 2024

Source:  vg. no

Norway decided to transfer six F-16 fighters to Ukraine. The delivery of the aircraft will begin this year.

Points of attention

  • Norway transfers six F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, and the delivery of the aircraft is scheduled for 2024.
  • With the US's permission, Ukraine will also receive engines, spare parts, and other equipment for the F-16.
  • Ukraine is expected to be able to use the aircraft for repairs and training, increasing its defence capabilities.
  • Additional donor countries, such as Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium, have pledged to provide Ukraine with even more F-16 fighter jets.
  • Donations from Norway and other countries confirm Ukraine's support for strengthening its defence capabilities against Russia's threat.

Norway will provide Ukraine with 6 F-16s

The Prime Minister of Norway, Jonas Har Støre, reported about it.

According to him, Ukraine's ability to defend itself against air attacks is crucial for its defence against Russia.

Norway decided to donate six F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. We plan to start deliveries in 2024.

Jonas Gar Støre

Jonas Gar Støre

Prime Minister of Norway

In August 2023, during a visit to Kyiv, Støre announced that Ukraine would receive F-16 fighter jets from Norway. However, the Prime Minister of Norway then did not disclose either their number or the terms of delivery.

What is known about the transfer of F-16 fighter jets by Norway to Ukraine

Norway is ready to hand over 22 American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, but not all are in good condition.

It is noted that the USA permitted Norway to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

In addition, the country also plans to transfer to Ukraine:

  • engines,

  • auxiliary materials,

  • simulators,

  • spare parts,

  • and other relevant equipment.

It is noted that Ukraine will be able to use at least part of the received aircraft to obtain the necessary spare parts and repair serviceable aircraft.

According to the journalists of the Nettavisen publication, 12 of the aircraft that Norway plans to transfer to Ukraine are operational.

The sale agreement with Draken International does not appear to have been implemented, and the aircraft, which were supposed to be used for training in the US, will instead be used to protect Ukraine's airspace.

Other countries in the aviation coalition, namely Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium, have pledged to transfer significantly more combat aircraft to Ukraine than Norway is currently transferring.

Denmark is donating 19 aircraft, and Belgium recently announced their donation of 30 aircraft.

At the beginning of July, the Netherlands allowed the export of 24 F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

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