Prosecutor's office starts investigation on humiliation of Ukrainian POWs by Russian soldiers
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Prosecutor's office starts investigation on humiliation of Ukrainian POWs by Russian soldiers

Office of the Prosecutor General
Russia's army

The prosecutor's office started proceedings because of a video showing Russian soldiers brutalising Ukrainian military personnel in the Kharkiv direction.

Points of attention

  • The prosecutor's office began an investigation into the humiliation of Ukrainian prisoners of war, classifying these actions as a violation of the laws and customs of war.
  • In the video, the Russian military violated the Geneva Conventions, guaranteeing the humane treatment of prisoners of war.
  • Lubinets appealed to the UN and the ICRC regarding the scandalous video showing the brutal actions of the Russian occupiers against prisoners.
  • Russia does not follow any rules of warfare and demonstrates anti-human acts that have no place on the international stage.
  • The video published online shows the brutal treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war, which violates international standards for the treatment of prisoners of war.

What is known about the investigation

As noted by the prosecutor's office, ill-treatment, threats, imitation of shooting and psychological pressure were classified as violations of the laws and customs of war (Chapter 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code), which is punishable by up to 12 years in prison.

The prosecutor's office notes that the Russian military in the video violated the Geneva Conventions, which are supposed to guarantee humane treatment of prisoners of war.

Lubinets appealed to the UN and the ICRC regarding the scandalous video

Ukrainian Parliamentary Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets sent official letters to the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN to document the abuse.

Russia does not follow any rules of war and is absolutely not ashamed to demonstrate its cruel and inhumane actions, Lubinets noted.

In the video published on the network, four Ukrainian prisoners of war are being led in a convoy with blindfolds. Men are forced to sing "The Sacred War". They were kicked, causing one of the prisoners to fall. The soldier is threatened with death if he does not stand up, and then one of the occupiers shoots near his head. The video cuts out at this point.

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