Putin may be about to lose Crimea, British journalist says
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Putin may be about to lose Crimea, British journalist says

Source:  The Telegraph

The famous British journalist Tom Sharp is convinced that the illegitimate president of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, is currently extremely close to losing the occupied Ukrainian Crimea.

Points of attention

  • Crimea is currently "fed" by two arteries - the Kerch bridge and a new railway line, which are within the range of American ATACMS missiles.
  • The position of the Russian Federation on the issue of Crimea is deteriorating due to the possible threat of landing of the landing force of the Armed Forces.
  • Such a development is quite real and may lead to a sharp change in the situation on the peninsula.
  • Ukraine can de-occupy Crimea without risking the lives of its soldiers.

The liberation of Crimea is possible without active hostilities

According to Tom Sharp, it is quite possible that the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not need to risk the lives of their soldiers to de-occupy the peninsula.

The journalist suggested that all that is needed is to block the enemy's supply arteries, increase the pressure and wait until the missiles, ammunition and main supplies of the Russian army run out.

After that, the expert suggests that Ukraine will watch the bills mount, as the dictator will be forced to burn resources to hold onto the peninsula, achieving nothing but a propaganda loss.

Add to this the factor of inconvenience, and Crimea will become not just a significantly reduced operational base, but a negotiating point of strategic importance for the entire conflict, Tom Sharp emphasized.

The observer draws attention to the fact that Crimea is fed by two arteries — the Kerch Bridge and a new railway line built across the land bridge from the east.

It is essential to understand that these objects are within the range of American ATACMS missiles.

The Russians are already preparing for the landing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Crimea.

The head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov, told journalists about this.

According to the politician, the occupiers were afraid that there was currently a serious threat of the landing of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

They came to this conclusion after analysing the Armed Forces' strikes against Russian Army air defence and logistics facilities.

And based on the fact that the vast majority of the ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet have been relocated to ports on the territory of Russia itself, the enemy has decided that there is now a greater threat to him in terms of a possible landing by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — explained the head of the Mejlis.

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