A veteran of the "Aidar" battalion named the main key to Ukraine's victory in the war
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A veteran of the "Aidar" battalion named the main key to Ukraine's victory in the war

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar
Source:  online.ua

Stanislav Dekhtyar, a veteran of the 24th "Aidar" battalion with the call sign "Vinegar", believes that no modern weapon can guarantee the defeat of the Russian army, because the main strength of Ukraine is exclusively in its people. The defender shared his thoughts in an interview with Online.UA.

Points of attention

  • Every Ukrainian should prepare for war, acquire basic knowledge and skills.
  • War is won by people, not by technology: weapons have value only in human hands.
  • "Vinegar" calls on Ukrainians to gradually master military affairs.

Everyone needs to prepare for war

According to "Vinegar", he understands that many people are simply afraid, because there is really little good in war.

Dirt, losses, death, blood are inseparable components of frontline life.

But there is a concept, an obligation, for sure. Yes, a person must think with his head and must understand that such an opportunity really exists. She doesn't want that. Because for some reason I got the impression that if I joined the army, I would immediately go to the trenches near Bakhmut or Avdiivka. Everyone thinks so. Actually, why does everyone think so? Because a bunch of stories: caught, stuffed, taken away, lost, calls: "I am near Bakhmut — naked and barefoot." There is no such thing as "barefoot". We have at least a security team, maybe not of the best quality, but it is there and it is enough.

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Veteran of the 24th "Aidar" battalion

Stanislav Dekhtyar emphasizes that it is extremely important for every Ukrainian to finally start preparing for war, study, and complete courses in tactical medicine.

Even a basic level of knowledge can come in handy in a difficult situation.

Wars are won by people, not weapons

All the same, there must be an understanding and awareness that the war will not be won by tanks, not by planes, not by HIMARS, not by artillery systems or any SAUShka, but by people. Grandfathers in pixels, in dirty trenches, in boots, with Kalashnikovs without fairings, without cool machine guns. Ordinary dudes who screw up all the time.

Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve success on the battlefield without the support of artillery and aviation, but any weapon has value only in the hands of a person.

That is why the veteran calls on Ukrainians to be more actively interested in what is happening at the front, as well as to gradually master military affairs.

We have a lot of cool and different initiatives in Ukraine to acquaint the civilian population with military craft. But people are not interested in that. Can I condemn them? Probably not. Am I not clear on this? Very unclear. They forgot that we have a war. Or they try not to think about it, so as not to disappoint themselves, not to upset themselves... It seems to me that this is an irresponsible attitude towards one's life.

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Stanislav "Vinegar" Dekhtyar

Veteran of the 24th "Aidar" battalion

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